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About Greek Shows

Greek Shows Australia has developed into one of the most highly respected touring companies in the Southern Hemisphere and continues to produce some of the most memorable tours to ever.

Since forming, Greek Shows Australia has toured some of Greece’s most established and up and coming artists. Many of the most successful tours were the result of years of planning and the gradual (or sometimes meteoric) increase in venue size from tour to tour over the span of an artist’s career. Panos Kiamos at HQ and most recently entertaining over 1100 guests in a first for Adelaide Bouzouki style concert for the renowned Antonis Remos. Greek Shows have again stepped outide the boundary and are hosting Thanos Petrelis at The Gov in Hindmarsh with presales going through the roof. These events have been hailed as the best run, organised and most trouble-free concerts ever.

Nick Missailidis
Phone: 0417 357 180